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About The Shortie

Name~~Jessie Mills

Age~~14 (it was just my b-day!!!!!!)

Birthday~~July 3rd

Nicknames~~ Jess, Jessie, JessIca, Dawnka, Shortie, Shrimp

Status~~ Single!!!!

Good Friends dat r girls~~ Thao, and Jenn, Val

Good Friends dat r guys~~Michael C?, Kyle, Ryan, Brandon

Fave Color~~BLUE

Fave Ice Cream~~Bear Claw (which is an ice cream, its a Bel Air) or Cookies n Cream

Fave Cookie~~Chocolate Chip

Fave Movie~~Harry Potter and Pirates of the Caribbean, Freaky Friday, Finding Nemo, Cheaper by the Dozen, On the Line, Lord of the Rings, Adventures of Huck Finn,

Fave Male Singer~~Jesse McCartney, Clay Aiken

Fave Actor~~Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, Elijah Wood, Jeremy Sumpter, Dom Monaghan, Billy Boyd, Viggo Mortenson, Matthew Perry, Matt Leblanc, David Schwimmer, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Jesse MccArtney, Chad Michael Murray

Fave Actress~~Lindsay Lohan, Liv Tyler, Jennifer Aniston Pitt, Courtney Cox Arqette, Lisa Kudrow, Emma Watson.


Fave Female Singer~~Lyndsay Lohan

Fave thing to say~~Zip it....um, i plead the 5th

Favorite Candy~~Jolly Ranchers or M&M's, and skittles! 

Favorite Disney Movie~~Aladdin!!!! (totally)

Fave Soda~~Dr. Pepper, Grape, and MOUNTAIN DEW!!

Fave Shows~~Reba, 7th Heaven, Friends, Everwood, Will & Grace, Growing Pains, Boy Meets World, American Idol, One Tree Hill, Gilmore Girls, Run of the House, Grounded for Life

Movie I saw recently~~ Harry Potter 3!! (Actually thats the last 2 movies i've seen. Before that was Day After Tomorrow)

Fave Places 2 go~~Movies and the Mall!!

Fave Things 2 Do~~Read, watch t.v., go on da computer, listen 2 music

Fave Subject~~English (not last year), Social Studies, Honor Band

Fave 7th grade Teachers~~Mrs. Dougan, Mr. Coffman,

Fave 8th grade Teachers~~ Mr. Champ and Mrs. Dick, Mr. Beckler

Fave Books~~ Ella Enchanted, Harry Potter, Sweet Valley Series, Heartland Series, Alice Series, Madison Finn series, Among the Hidden, Among the Imposters, Among the Barons, Among the Betrayed, books by McDaniel

Things I Say A lot~~ um, sure, kewl

Favorite Quotes~~ I would if you could, but you can't, so i won't.

Quote that I hate~~ The worst thing isnt trying and failing. The worst thing is not trying at all.

Dislikes~~ Spiders, doctors, shots, basically anything yucky.

Likes~~ Food (like red robin), Moutain Dew, animals, um...lots of other stuff

Favorite Sport~~ Softball!!, volleyball, tennis (lol thao)


A comment from Thao~~~~she is fun, loving, and caring...o yeah she reallie LOVES JESSE MCCARTNEY!!i can understand cuz hes cute...unduhstand lol haha well....she is KEWL!!!SHE LOVES JESSE MCCARTNEY...whoops i already said dat lol

A comment from Carly~~~ jessie-u r fun 2 b arround,wierd 2 talk 2(jk lol),exterimily blode(even thob u have brown hair(lol again)and u have way to many posterz of jessie Mccartney in ur romm(ok that iz supossed 2 b room but i kant speel)(i mean spell lol)
A comment from Kyle~~~ Jessie is really nice to me except when we were at the movies and she took my CHAIR!!!! I have not got in a fight with her before and never will I hope. She is really nice and fun to be around with! She is very caring, thoughtful and keeps secrets. :)
A Comment from Caitlin~~~ ur um nice, kind, ur  kinda weird @ times but a fun and funny person 2 b around

A Comment from Brandon~~~ kind, fun, nice person (currently under construction and will add more to it later on)

A comment from Jenn~~~ ur really nice, fun 2 b around, caring and funny, and ur good at keeping secrents.
A comment from Alyssa~~~ You're a nice, funny person who always makes me laugh! And you're a very good flute player, you 4th chair person, you!
A comment from Ryan~~~ funny,  fun person to be around, a great friend to all, kind hearted.

What?? Im sorry i couldn't hear you. What? Say that Again? OOh, now i heard ya :D-----Jessie