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*~* 2 Best Friendz*~*

Hey...Howdy...Aloha...Wassup...Yo...Hi...Hello...Salut...Bonjour...Hola...and welcome to Smiley's and Jessie's website!! We (well Smiley) couldn't choose a perfect greeting for our site so why not use all of them? hehe...We worked really hard and we were really patient well we tried to be patient but this front page drove us INSANE!!!!!! Smiley had to type this thing up like 5 billion times and it wouldnt show up and she is am going crazy!!! it took Smiley about 4 hours just to type this thing up and Jessie couldn't get the dumb guestbook to work either!!!!...but anyways you dont need to know that....You are really lucky that you are able to go to our site because we only gave it out to certain people!!! We hope you enjoy your time here as much as we did when we finally finish a page! We actually enjoyed making this site for you guys because after a hard work it looks so pretty! well cool hehe...on this site you can actually learn about us (Smiley and Jessie) on our page that has all the information about us that you need to know...both pages has something unique which is really cool! If you know us really well you would know who did what because it is actually pretty easy to know...well I hope you like our site as much as we do and please sign our guestbook and other stuff...thanks bye and come again!!! like later today or tomorrow!!! but if you dont come back for like a week then you are missing out because everyday it is changing!!! so come back soon!!! Have a great day or not the choice is yours!


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