*~* 2 Best Friendz*~*

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~*!dA oNe AnD oNlY sMiLeY!*~

 Hey...what am i supposed to do on this page?....tell everything that you need to know about me?!?!?! YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME! oh well here i go....
Age: 14
Birthday: June 11 (and Chris Trousdale*faints*)
Place of Birth: Sacramento, California
Nicknames: Smiley, Lobbie(the lobster), Thaoie, Thao-Thao, Taho
best friends dat lives in Sac: Sing and Belinda Chau
best friends that are girls: Jessie Mills and Carly Menacho
best friends that are guy:Kyle D'Amico, Ryan Bridge, and Brandon Mckenzie
Status: SINGLE........really likes someone tho....
Favorite Color: BLUE and Red
Favorite ice cream: Cookies N cream
Favorite Cookie: Chocolate Chip
Favorite Movie(s): Bring it on, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, and Finding Nemo
Favorite Disney Movie: The Little Mermaid and Aladdin
Favorite Actor: Matt Leblac, David Schwimmer, and Matthew Perry
Favorite Actress: Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox Arquette, Lisa Kudrow, and Lindsay Lohan
Favorite Male Singer: Chris Trousdale(ooo a total hottie)
Favorite Female Singer: Lindsay Lohan and Ashlee Simpson
Favorite Group: Simple Plan!!, Hoobastank, and YELLOWCARD!
Favorite quote: That was like so not good, that was like bad can we do that another way?--Chris Trousdale
Favorite Quote on da commercials: "I like it, I love it, I want some more of it!"--One of AppleBees old ones
Words dat i usually say: Like, uh, and, umm..., hi, hey
The movie i saw recently: The Notebook with Chris!
Favorite word: yepperdoodlez or doodle daddle or yepperz
Personality: really hyper sometimes, kinda shy sumtimes but when i am hyper then no im not shy!!, funnie(ppl say dat), fun 2 b around.., not smart..., nice to ppl who is nice to me,....is der more?
Wierdest Talent(i think): I can sound like Stitch and it bugs the heck out of jessie hehe
Hottest guys ever: Chris Trousdale, Chad Michael Murray, JMack Slaughter, Jesse McCartney
Never ever talk 2 me...when? When i am super hyper!!cuz i laugh like a hyena!!u seriously dont wanna listen 2 me!!
Favorite Candy: Jolly Ranchers(yummy for my tummy)
Favorite Chocolate candy: Twix and Wuchamacolit
Favorite Soda: Pepsi, Sprite, and Coke
Favorite Shows: Friends(I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!), Will and Grace, Like Family, and That 70's Show!!!
Favorite Book(s): HOLES!!!, Among the Hidden, Among the Imposters, Among the Betrayed, and Among the Barons
Favorite Cartoon show(s): Rugrats/All grown up or Spongebob
What happens when people ask where me where their stuff is: its right der...Where? RIGHT DER!!...i dont see it...its right der...(it goes on and on until we find it lol)and then i say i told u it was der! and they(as in Jess) is like whatever with dis mad face...really funny
Favorite thing to do on my spare time when i cant go ne where: going on da comp and/or listening 2 music
Likes: cookies, chips, sphegetti(dont know how to spell it), mall, movies, moutain dew, pepsi, coke, brownies(yummy), guys lol(especially you know who), chinese food, asian food, taco bell!, subway!,
Dislikes: CARROTS!(eeww), medicine, homework, snakes, spiders, school, rude/mean people(not gonna mention any names), hilary duff!
Favorite place(s) 2 go: Mall and Movies!!....did i mention Movies?
Favorite subject: Lunch
Favorite teacher in 6th: Mrs. Hatcher if u think dat i would put Mrs. Nichols you are seriously out of ur mind
Favorite teacher in 7th: Mr. Coffman
Favorite teacher in 8th:Mr. Holmes
Favorite sport(s):  softball and soccer
Most embarassing moment:...uh....umm....ooo once...no...dat was Carly....umm....i dont think i have 1....lol....wait!...i remember!...whenever my mom tells her friend about me when i was little!....gawd...der is more...but yeah...YOU DONT NEED TO KNOW! so HA!...ok ok maybe you know, but the ppl that would know is Carly and Jessie...so booya! (well unless u r one of them hehe)
Carly's Most embarassing moment(s): okay once....wait isnt dis page supposed 2 b about me? okay nvm 4get it...


What do you think of me?!
Jessie Mills: ur always hyper, and when u r hyper u r wierd, u r funny and r usually makin ppl laugh, u do well n school when u try (hehe),
Ryan Bridge: smart, funny, kind, sweet, beautiful, perfect, talented, considerate, always seems to brighten everyone's day
Brandon Mckenzie: You are such a sweet and caring person. You are nice to everyone, even though ppl get in little fights sumtimes, but u r one of the nicest ppl i know and im glad 2 have u as a friend, I can tell you anything and trust you eith it, Again, you are a very sweet person and i glad 2 know you
Carly Menacho: ummmmm... ur foonie(lol)and fun 2 be around, we have alot of jokes and fun stuff we've done(not mentioning some).and i have 2 say ur a lil wierd.....but overall....ur a good friend(hehehe)
Brendan Small: your a nice person and you are smart, and one of a kind.
Caitlin Hare: ur usually hyper, happy person and fun 2 b around
Bob Benard: she is very nice around people and somethimes she can be very shy, when u go to school and just look at her she'll put a smile on ur face...ur a nice girl and i do like u and  ill fight for ur protection and i dont think ill kill myself for you i just dont understand who wouldnt want to be ur friend u just have to be her friend to understand.
Brandon Hall: There are so many words to describe this girl. She is one of the most amazing girls i know. Sh treats me with so much kindness. Calling yourself ugly or stupid it doesnt go well with her. She is so amazingly beautiful its craziness. I care for her so much, if any one hurts her you better watch your back cause I'm after you. Shes my friend and I'm happy with that just as long as she doesnt leave me.
Alyssa Martinez: you're always happy all the time, and you always cheer people up.


mE aNd KyLe! BeStEsT fRiEnDs In ThE wHoLe WiDe WoRlD! hAHa...