*~* 2 Best Friendz*~*

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Michelle: I want my ouce-cream.
D.J.: You want your ice-cream.
Michelle: That's what I said, don't you listen?

D.J.: You are a paramecium brain
Steph: If I'm a paramecium you are just a mecium
D.J.: I can't win with her can I?

Michelle: May I please have your cupcake?
Steph: No, you may not.
Michelle: But I was polite, and I said please.
Steph: I was polite, too. I said, "No, you may not."
Michelle: Guess what? Politeness Week is over.
[Michelle grabs Stephanie's cupcake and runs off, followed by Stephanie]
Steph: How rude.

Jesse: I'm not trying to catch the boat. I'm trying to catch Danny.
[Catches up to Danny]
Jesse: . I'm not going to hurt you. I just want to talk to you. How does one lose a boat?
Danny Tanner: The rope must've slipped off the rope-thingy.
Jesse: The rope-thingy... Skipper?

Steph: Nice try guys, but next time, use one of these.
Joey: Steph, why'd you wait until now to give us the diapers?
Steph: Nobody asked me.

Danny Tanner: I close my eyes for two seconds and it's a Kimmy Gibbler telethon.
Joey: Danny, you've been out for four hours.
Danny Tanner: [checks his watch] Four hours. Why didn't anyone wake me? Oh no, I'm ruined, I ruined the telethon ,my career is over...
Becky: Danny, we're still on the air.
Danny Tanner: [to camera] That concludes the dramatic portion of our show.

Jesse: [reading from newspaper] Rebecca Donaldson, award-winning journalist and host of 'Wake Up, San Francisco' to wed JERSEY KATSOPOLIS?
Danny Tanner: Jersey Katsopolis. Sounds like a Greek cow.

Kimmy Gibbler: Hola Tannneritos.

D.J.: Oh Mylanta.

Danny Tanner: Oh, man, Becky, that was the toughest contraction yet.
Becky: Gee, Danny, maybe you should lie down.
Danny Tanner: I made it this far, I'm gonna go all the way.

Michelle: You got it, dude.

Michelle: Can I watch Arsenio?
Danny Tanner: What do you think?
Michelle: I think it's time for bed.
Danny Tanner: That's right. "It's time for bed. To bed, I said."