*~* 2 Best Friendz*~*

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DS Quotes (Only Thao and Jenn should go here. Im warning you!!!)

"As you can see, I didn't make my way up by knowing people, but by working real hard. As hard as it is, I wouldn't have it any other way."
- Chris Trousdale, Dream Street Magazine


"Being in Dream Street is one of the best opportunities I have had during my career so far. I feel extremely fortunate to be able to work with such great people every day."
- Frankie Galasso, Dream Street Magazine


"As far as my work goes, Dream Street is my favorite. I really look forward to performing with the other guys."
- Greg Raposo, Dream Street Magazine
"Dream Street has been a dream come true. Making records and singing with my friends Greg, Frankie, Matt, and Chris is what I really enjoy doing."
- Jesse McCartney, Dream Street Magazine
"I guess you could now say I'm 'hooked on' sports and Dream Street."
- Matt Ballinger, Dream Street Magazine
He's physically 16, mentally...I don't know. - Chris talkin about Greg
He has nightmares about some strange fan cornering him and trying to kiss him -Frankie talkin about Jesse

Someone just asked if I was Jesse...I said no! -Jesse

He calls me little one and I am taller than him -Jesse talking about Matt

Jesse is resting his brain, he says it's farted out -Matt

He doesn't like when people make him think hard -Matt talking about Jesse
*spits on the floor*-These girls are crazy! Some crazy girl just put pop rocks in my soda! -Chris

Lobster... Steak... Crab... I like crab a lot. -Chris

Nah, I'm not gonna even go there... I dunno I... no. -Jesse (talkin about the perfect girl)
When Jesse and Matt go shopping they shop like 2 girls -Frankie

I've always wanted to swim in a pool full of peanut butter. -Jesse

You may want to swim in a pool full of peanut butter but I want to swim in a pool full of piņa coladas. -Chris

That was so..like not good..like lets do that again. -Chris

We're sorry for bothering you. -Jess (a fan)
No, your not bothering me. This is what we live for. - Chris
I cannot work under these conditions! -Matt
I need a drink. -Matt

Holy Shhh!t!  -Matt


She Diggs Me! -Jesse
I like to Chill wit the Ladies. -Jesse  M magazine

Does anyone know wat time it is? -Chris


im with my duckie crew, im with my duckie crew, we're flockin, we're flockin, im with my duckie crew

- Chris


he puts wax in his hair -Jesse talkin bout Chriss hair


holy shit...that girl looks like britney spears- Matt


Jesse down on the front street. Right Jess?- Frankie


Whats up? How u doing? we're just checkin out...we're just checkin out some third faze........-Jesse


He didnt believe me when i told him!! Jesse loves Peanut Butter- Frankie


guys..dont jump on the stage like that jess....be polite-announcer guy


He does love it. He's in a peanut butter world- Greg


Well Jesse told me about it and it doesnt sound that bad- Matt


ha! i told u but u didnt belive me- Frankie


'We arrived very late Thursday night, just in time to check into the hotel and go to sleep, only to realize Chris left his luggage behind in New York''- Matt


'Actually I didn't always wanted to be a singer. I wanted to be a pamper's baby. When I was like 1 or 2 years old I would crawl around my house like the baby in the commercial''- Chris


 ''No, thanks, I want to stay mad at Matt''- Jesse on how Matt asked him if he wanted a drink and Jesse said yes, but when Matt returned he only got one for himself

''Hey this is Chris, ok my shoe has like falling of on the stage like 5 times in the past month''- Chris
 ''Matt lives in a tent and has a pet deer''- Jesse
"I actually do live ina ten"- Matt
 ''You never know when a hot babe walk by''- Chris