*~* 2 Best Friendz*~*

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Jessie's Friends Info

This is my friends page!!! I thought my friends deserved a page of their own! Oh, and don't worry. The picture that is next to their info is not their actual picture! Thats a picture of their favorite celebrity. Yup, so enjoy all of this info about my really wierd friends and then sign the guestbook!!


Thao is the coolest!! We have known each other since the...5th grade!! Thao is the origonal i love candy girl. But watch out!! When she actually gets the candy, she will get soo hyper and wierd that she makes everybody around her laugh with her, or either try to get as far away as possible!!

Carly is one of my other bestfriends. She is one of my fooniest friends. Every single day she has something new thats really weird to say. Liek buttnugget and all this other stuff. You can defiately count on Carly to give you a laugh



Caitlin is also a really foonie person. She also shares my love for SIMS and Orlando Bloom :D Plus you can always count on her to give you advice or tell you what she thinks.

Jennifer has been my friend (in California) for the longest. I have known her since the 4th grade, but didn't really become friends with her until the 5th. Jenn is really nice and friendly. She is always nice to everybody if they are nice to her.


Taylor is soo funny!! And also very wierd. I remember once last year, Mrs. Dougan made her be Queen Elizabeth because of her red hair. LoL anyway, Taylor is really sweet and is also always coming up with wierd thigns to say. She has been friends with Carly and Ryan since they were lil.


Julies is really really nice!! One of the nicest friends i have.She gets really embarassed sometimes and is a terrible liar but thats kewl. I am a teribble liar too so its all good!! She is really athletic and is a great drum player.


Katie is probobly my wierdest friends!! She always is saying something or doing someting extremely wierd. But other then that she is really nice and sweet. She is always there for you to make you laugh when you are feeling sad


Rachel is my other friend that i have known since the 4th grade. It was just me, her and Jenn for a lil while. Rachel is really nice and friendly


Carly P~~~
Carly is really sweet and a lil quite But she is also fun. Plus she moved from Texas and so did i. Isn't that kewl? Yup thats cool. Anyway, Carly is a great friedn and always there for you


Alyssa is my flute buddy!! She sits next to me in our class. She is really cool and always in a good mood. She also has a pretty good obsession for Clay Aiken :D


Hampshire Daisies


Brandy is in my academy at school and is in 3 of my classes. She is really kewl. Once she sets her mind on something, she really works on it. Plus she can always tell when i am upset.



I met Mindy a couple years ago through Jenn. At first we really didn't get along for some reason, but then we saw each other again and erally got to know each other. She doesn't live here though so i only see her during the Summer when she comes to visit Jenn. It's really cool though cuz she has curlier hair then mine!!

Val has been my friend ever since we were in the 2nd grade. Then I moved but we are still really great friends. We keep in touch a lot. We always like the same things and she is really nice. She would never do anything to hurt someone.


Oh my gosh Hannah is the wierdest and strangest person i know!! Oh my gosh, she should be a comedian or a clown or something because she is always coming up with these wierd voices that will have you laughing for such a long time! And her jokes are never mean either




Kyle is a really nice person. He jokes around a lot and is in my academy although he is only in one of my classes. He is also on the volleyball team and is really good. I have known him since the 4th grade


Ryan, I have also known since the 4th grade. He is really nice and usually pretty sweet. He is also really good at volleyball but he is on a recreational team instead of a school team. Him, me, Kyle and Thao play volleyball everyday during lunch. He has never been in any of my classes

Oh my gosh what can i say about Brandon. Um, he is in a lot of my classes this year, 3 of them and is it next to him in them all, except Math. He is pretty nice most of the time and we are friends despite the fact that we can't have a conversation without disagreeing about something :D


Michael C~~~
Um Michael has been my friend the longest. We have known each other since we were born but never really got to be friends until he moved to the town I was living at in the 2nd grade. Ever since then we have been great friends, until recently, we go to seperate schools and he got involved with skateboarding and me softball.


I met Grant at school through the rest of my friends. He has been Caitlin's neighbor for a very long time. He is extremely strange and is always quite hyper. But he is also a really cool person to be around.


Michael B~~~
Michael and me have a very wierd friendship. We werent friends, then we were going out, then we werent friends, then we were and then now we are not again. But Michael is a really nice person and is actually pretty funny. He is a great flute and french horn player. He practices a lot. Michael is in 2 of my classes this year.
