*~* 2 Best Friendz*~*

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Chapter One

A/N~~~ Okay this is a story about a girl from a big city has to move to a small town and the changes and things she has to go through. This first chapter is basically her just explaining what is going on and a little info about herself.

        I stared out the window of our van and watched the road go by. Not that there was a whole lot to see in the first place. We have been driving for the last two hours and all I have seen is a lot of grass and a lot of cows.

        I sighed and turned the volume of my CD player up, which was currently playing Justin Timberlake and Black Eyed Peas' song; Where is the Love.

        Before I continue with the story, let me tell you a little bit about my self. For starters, my name is Allie Jacobs, Al for short. And speaking of short, that's exactly what I am. I am 5'2 and 15 years old. I have straight golden blonde hair with brown, gold, and red streaks that is layered. I have deep blue eyes that show my emotion, sometimes to my disgust I might add.

        I have two siblings. A little sister named Chelsi, who is a mini me, because she looks exactly like me. Except that she has sort of turquoise eyes. She is in the 8th grade so that means she is 13. I have an older sister named Bethany or Beth. She is 20 and in college. Plus, my mom is pregnant. With triplets no less. They are due in about a month and a half.

Well, anyway. Back to the story. I continued to listen to my music and began to sing softly. I was really getting into the song when I felt something hit my head and quickly bounce back off. I opened my eyes to find Chelsi looking at me with half a bag of skittles in her hand.

"Come on, were home." She smiled, grabbed her bag next to her, and jumped out of the car.

"This isn't home." I muttered bitterly. You see, this all has to do with my dad. The reason that we have been driving for two hours in the middle of nowhere is because he got transferred. He works for a computer company and they transferred him here to the middle of nowhere. We use to live in
Chicago. I had a life there. A great one actually. A boyfriend who I adored and the greatest group of friends I could ask for. Plus, I was captain of my volleyball and basketball team. But all of that was lost when my dad was transferred here to Kentshire, Tennessee

I have to admit though, that I did love the house. Seeing that we were going to have six kids soon in the family (five actually because Beth lives on campus at college) we need to have a lot of room.

The house is a two story. Downstairs, we have two bathrooms, a kitchen, living room, dining room, family room, laundry room, and a bedroom. The staircase leads into another living room and then we have the master bedroom and bathroom, a game room, two bedrooms, a nursery, and another bathroom. Let's just say it's pretty big. And outside we have a pool and an in-the-ground hot tub. For being in the country, it sure does have a lot of big houses. My parents get the master bedroom, I get the 2nd biggest, Chelsi gets the 3rd and the downstairs room is going to be a guest room. Oh, and did I forget to mention that the house also has a basement? I have already claimed this to. My parents, trying to make this a good experience for me, readily agreed.

I went upstairs to my new bedroom and plopped down on the couch. All of our main things had already arrived. Like beds, and dressers. The little things like clothes, and toys were suppose to be here later today.

I sighed and got back up as I heard the doorbell ring and my mom telling me that the trucks were here to unload. "Here goes the beginning of my new life in
Kentshire, Tennessee