*~* 2 Best Friendz*~*

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Chapter Four

Aaalllliiieee. Aallliiieeeee.


            I looked around wildly and began to run as the name got louder. I had no idea where I was running to but I could tell I was somewhere in the park. My old park in Chicago.


Alllieeee!!! I neeed tto tallk tooo youuu.


            I felt someone tug on my arm and I whirled around. Standing there w-was, well it was horrible. It looked like a skeleton but it was see through at the same time.. It was a person but it wasnt at the same time. It was a girl around 16. She had dark curly hair that was in ringlets. She had a pretty face and dark brown eyes that were filled with warmth.


            It was Carmen.


Just then I woke up with a sudden jolt. I sat up in my bed in a cold sweat. I quickly looked around. I wasnt in a park at the dead of night. I was safely in my room. Carmen wasnt there. I was all by myself.


I glanced at the clock. It read 6:23. I sighed and slowly inched my way out of bed and over to my dresser. I had finished unpacking everything last night. I rummaged through the top drawer until I found what I was looking for and then slipped back into bed.


I opened the notebook to the first empty page and got the pen that was attached. Since I would have to get up in a couple minutes for my first day of school, I might as well do something productive.


I thought a lot about what Carrie had said on the phone. I actually fell asleep thinking about it. Anyway, I decided that I would take her advice and make this move positive. So I am going to think of different ways to do that.


Out of the top of my head I thought of 9 ways.


1)      Join the sport teams.

2)      Hang out with Carmen and her friends

3)      Not groan as much

4)      Get a job and earn money

5)      Find out more about Ryan (specifically if he has a girlfriend)

6)      Do well in school

7)      Find out what Jeff is up to.

8)      Stop dwelling on past memories

9)   Try new things




I shut of the alarm clock and got up out of bed. That seems like a good start. I took a shower, and got dressed. I headed downstairs into the kitchen to find everybody already there. Chelsi was eating, dad was buried in the newspaper and mom was busily putting things away. One thing that I did learn was that you never realize how many things you own, until you have to pack and


Anyway, I sat down at the table and poured myself some Captain Crunch (Chelsis favorite) and began to eat. I was half-way down when my dad finally put down his newspaper and turned to us.


"Okay girls, I have some things to go over with you."  He looked around at us and then continued.


"I am going to drive you to school today and tomorrow but after that, you are going to ride the bus every day. It will pick you up at the corner. Understood?"


I nodded my head while thinking of number nine on my list, try new things.


"Honey, the girls are getting late. You can finish lecturing them in the car." My mom said starting to push us out the door.


I quickly dodged around her and ran up the stairs. I stuffed the notebook with the list and stuffed it into my backpack. I ran back down the stairs to hear my dad talking.


He looked offended. "I am not lecturing them. I am simply explaining to them what is going on."


"Tomato; Tomatoe. Whatever you would like to call it, that doesnt change the fact that you were late. Have a good first day girls." She gave us quick kisses and went back into the kitchen.


I gave a silent cheer for mom and headed to the car.


My dad got in and we slowly backed out of the driveway. "Now." He said as he continued his explanation. "I am going to drop you of first Al. You are older and I know you can check into the office and everything. I have to be there for Chelsi though."


A few minutes later we were pulling into the school parkinglot. "I wont be able to give you a ride home. I have to start work today. Do you think you could find your way home?"


I nodded. "Sure dad. Ill be fine. Love ya, see you later." I got out of the car and headed up the front steps of the school.


The building was huge. Bigger than a mansion I suppose. It was all brick and looked like it had been here since the middle ages. I opened the doors to find nobody there. Im guessing the bell had already rung. Lucky for me, the office was only a little ways from the entrance and I found it easily.


I walked in and up to the counter. Behind it, was a middle aged lady. She looked like the bake cookies, grandmother type of person. She had hair that was beginning to gray and had a gentle softness in her eyes.


"Hello dear. How may I help you?"


"Oh um, I am new here. This is my first day."


She smiled sweetly. "Ahh. You must be Allie Jacobs."


I looked at her a little confused on how she knew that. "Yes, thats me."


"Okay, well here you are deary." She said handing me a folder. "In that packet, you will find your course schedule, information about the school, and a few other things. Please, sit down in one of those chairs." She indicated to the chairs against the wall.


I smiled thanks and sat down. I took out my schedule and found my course schedule. I was just about to put it away because I didnt really understand it when the door swung open. I looked up and my jawed dropped when I saw who it was.


It was Ryan Johnson. My next door neighbor.


"Ah, yes. Youre here. That didnt take you long at all." The lady at the desk said to Ryan. (I noticed that her nametag said Mrs. Prewit.)


"Allie, this is Ryan Johnson. He will be giving you a tour of the school and answering any questions that you might have. Then once the two of you are done, he will take you to the next class that you have. Well, off you go then."


I gathered my stuff and followed Ryan out the door into the hallway. I turned to look at him.


            "So, if youre my tour guide, I guess that means that Carmen is off the hook." I gave him a sly smile.


            "Yeah." He smiled back at me. "I guess it does. So where do you want to go first?"


            "Um, well anything that has to do with sports." I said.


            He started laughing as we headed outside. "Okay. What sports do you play? I play baseball."


            "Well, lets put it this way. An easier question would be asking me which sports I dont play." I joked.


            He started laughing again. I noticed that it wasnt one of those fake laughs that some guys do. It was a real belly laugh.


            We walked around the school (real slow I might add) and by the time we were finished, it was lunch time. We headed to the cafeteria and went over to the circular table near the back. Everybody that I had met at the mall was already sitting there eating. Ryan pulled up two chairs and I wearily sat down next to Carmen. I couldnt help but remember the dream that I had this morning.


            "Hey girl! Listen, I know that I told you I was going to show you around and stuff. But when the teacher asked us who wanted to show you around, Ryan over here, immediately put his hand up. So the teacher called on him and not me." Carmen explained.


            I stole a glance over at Ryan who was across the table sitting next to Max and Kristy. I had a hard time keeping a straight face when I saw that he was during a deep red in the face and was glaring at Carmen.


            "Anyway." She said noticing the glare. "Give me your schedule and lets see if you have any classes with us." She gave a quick glance at his and nodded. "Yup. You have a class with at least every one of us." Lets see;


            1st Period: Honors English with Todd and Max.

            2nd Period: Science with me.

            3rd Period: Calculus with Ryan and Maddie.

            4th Period: Study-hall with Ryan.

            5th Period: Lunch with us all.

            6th Period: History with Me and Kristy.

            7th Period: Coed Gym with Todd, Max, and me.


"See, you have a class with all of us." Max grinned. "And two with me!" He wriggled his eyebrows.


"True my dear friend. But she also has two classes with me." Todd grinned. "Tough luck buddy."


I laughed at the two of them, but then suddenly remembered that I didnt have a ride home. "Hey, can somebody give me a ride home after school today?"


"Why dont you walk home with me?" Ryan suggested. "After all, we do live next door."


I grinned. "Okay, meet me by the locker rooms."


Just then the bell rang. I headed off to history with Carmen and Kristy. Before I knew it, the day was over. I quickly hurried out of the gym and to the locker rooms and waited for Ryan. A couple minutes later, he shows up and we head for home.


So, how was your first day of school? He asked.


Completely boring. In every class the teachers made me get up and tell everybody about myself. And in gym I didnt get to do anything because I dont have the uniform yet.


He laughed. Yeah, that sounds like a typical first day to me. Itll get better though.


I smiled at him. Yeah, I suppose your right. Just then we arrived at our houses.


Well, thanks for walking home with me. I smiled shyly.


He grinned at my shyness. It was my pleasure. If I didnt have a reason to walk, I would have had to ridden the bus.


You have to ride the bus?


He nodded. Yeah, both of my parents work.


I smiled and felt my insides suddenly jolt. Thats cool! I am going to start riding it in a couple days. My dad works, and my mom is pregnant.


Cool. Suddenly, Ryan began to look a little uneasy. He began shifting his weight on either foot and began to avoid looking at me. S-so um, d--do you t-think ya m-might want to go t-t- the ice cream parlor with me? He started out stuttering and ended up saying the last part really quickly. Ya know, so we can get to know each other a little bit better?


Sure, why not. Just let me put my backpack away. I ran up the driveway and headed to my room.



Twenty minutes later, we were sitting at a table in Frenzies and waiting for our food to come.


Since you are the newcomer, you can ask the questions first. Ryan said.


Alright. I said. Whats your full name?


Ryan Johnson.


I cocked an eyebrow. No middle name?


He started to blush furiously. Well, Ill tell you. But dont tell anyone. He hesitated then said Newton and started blushing again.




He nodded. Yeah. My parents love Olivia Newton John.


Okay. Next question. Any siblings?


Two. A brother that goes to Haverford and a little sister.


Really? Thats so cool!  I nodded my head excitedly. Thats where my sister goes. I smiled. Anyway, whats your favorite subject?




Worst subject?




Do you have a girlfriend?


Nope. Im as free as a bird!


I laughed. What do you want to do as a career?




Very cool. Okay, last question. Do you like living here? This was the question that I really wanted to know (besides if he had a girlfriend).


He hesitated. This is my home. I have lived here my whole life. Sure, its not real exciting, but its still home.


I smiled. Nice answer.


Nice question.


Just then, our food arrived. I ordered a cup of cookie dough and he ordered sherbert.


Its my turn now. Ryan said. Full name?


Allie Marie Jacobs.


Thats really pretty. Favorite color?




Favorite subject?




Worst Subject?


I groaned. Definitely math.


Okay, and do you have a boyfriend?


Nope. We broke up when I moved here.


Oh really? What a shame. He grinned. And last question. What do you think of Kentshire so far?


I sat there for a minute trying to think of the best answer. I am willing to give it a chance. So far its not half bad.


Good. He smiled. And sorry but I lied. I have one more question.




Would you consider hanging out with me again?


I grinned. Its a definite possibility.


Great. He smiled and looked at his watch. Uh oh!! We have been in here for over an hour and a half. I have to get back and start all of that homework. Are you ready to go?


I shrugged. Sure. Secretly, I didnt want this to end. I was enjoying talking to Ryan. But all good things have to end sometime. Jeff use to say that all the time.


I quickly became lost im my thoughts as we headed back home. Something wasnt right with Jeff. Something told me that he wasnt in a new club. Could he have gotten another girlfriend this quickly? Sure he is really cute, but I havent even been gone a week. Maybe he didnt like me as much as I thought. Maybe I can be easily replaced.


I was brought out of my thoughts when I noticed Ryan waving his hand in my face.


Are you alright? He asked with a look of deep concern on his face.


I smiled at his concern. Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking.


Just then we turned around the corner and we at our houses. So, Ill see you tomorrow? I asked.


He nodded and grinned. Yup. And we are also going to walk home together.


                        I smiled. I guess I will agree to that plan. I turned around and headed for the door. After one final glance, I went inside.


                        As I headed inside and up the stairs I couldnt help thinking that way number five on my list was working out just perfectly.