*~* 2 Best Friendz*~*

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  • The worst way to be missing someone, is to be sitting right next to them , knowing you cant have them
  • What hurt most was realizing that when he meant everything to me, i meant nothing to him
  • 2 often people worry 2 much bout der reputation that they lose der character
  • da more I study
    da more I no
    da more i no
    da more i 4get
    da more i 4get, the less i no
    SO Y DO I STUDY?!?!?
  • "Lose 1 friend, lose all friendz, lose urself."-Boi Meets World
  • I love you better than ice cream
  • I wish I can speak Whale- Dory(Finding Nemo)
  • as we go on, we remember all the times we had 2gether, and as our lives change, come whatever, we will still be, friends forever
  • You dont know me. you just wish u did.
  • It takes a minute 2 have a crush on someone, an hour 2 like them, a day to fall in love with them, and a lifetime to forget about them.
  • If the only way to be with you is in my dreams then i want to sleep forever.
  • If life isn't a game,why are there so many rules
  • For all the people who talk about me thanks for making me the center of your attention
  • I don't care what you think about me because it couldn't be half as bad as what i think of you
  • If you live to be a hundred, I
    want to live to be a hundred
    minus one day, so I never
    have to live without you."'
    -- Winnie the Pooh
  • To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world
  • Next time you think you're perfect, try walking on water
  • cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get over it
  • Never give up if you still want to try - Never wipe your tears when you still want to cry - Never settle for the answer when you still want to know - Never say you don't love someone if you can't let them go
  • The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to be loved and be loved in return
  • The hardest thing to do is watch the one you love, love someone else
  • The journey between what you once were and who you are now becoming, is where the dance of life really takes place
  • A friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway
  • If you judge people, you have no time to love them
  • Many people will walk in and out of our lives, but only true friends will leave footprints in our hearts
  • If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put 'U' and 'I' together
  • Let's just be friends and make no special effort to ever see each other again
  • Most of your faults, arent your fault
  • If you can't win, change the rules
  • i dropped a tear in da ocean, whenever they find it, i will stop loving u
  • 1,000 words couldnt bring u back, i know cuz i tried, neither could 1,000 tears, i know cuz i cried, you left behind a broken heart and happy memories 2, but i never wanted memories, i only wanted u...
  • dont hate me bcuz i am beautiful, hate me bcuz your boy friend thinks i am
  • he broke my heart.... so i broke his jaw..
  • u laugh bcuz i am different i laugh bcuz u r all da same
  • evil is just live backwards
  • you are bad if you get caught, so that makes me a good girl right?
  • i am not wierd, i am gifted
  • "If you think Im gonna IM you back....DREAM ON"
  • "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." "One can't complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday." - Eeyore
  • "You can't stay in your corner of the forest, waiting for others to come to you; you have to go to them sometimes." - Winnie the Pooh
  • A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.
  • Cry your heart out, let it all go cuz remember, after every tear, comes a rainbow!
  • The greatest power is the power of goodbye
  • Not all who wonder are lost.
  • TGIF=Thank God I'm Female
  • i know i am not blonde, but i am a blonde inside
  • Not all dumb people are blonde..some burnetts are also
  • God made me pretty, what happen 2 u?
  • i love you more than 1 million sweedish fish-Carly
  • dont say dat u love me unless u actually mean it cuz i might just do something stupid like believing u
  • If i were invisible....wait i am already invisible...
  • Boring is in the mind of the bored-Mr. Coffman! 
  • No matter what I do in life there will always be an eskimo in my way. - Shawn, Boy Meets World
  • Who do you turn to when the only person who can stop your crying is the one who made you cry?
  • If love is the answer can you repeat the question for me again...
  • Yesterday was that past, Tomorrow is the future, Today is a gift...that is why they call it the present.
  • The one who makes you cry isn't worth your tears. The one who is worth your tears would never make you cry.
  • I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away. I wrote your name on my hand but I washed it the next day. I wrote your name on a piece of paper but I accidenatally threw it away... I wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay!
  • Don't let him in! I am not cute yet!
  • One day you'll come to me and ask me what's more important: You or my life. I'll say my life and you'll walk away never knowing that you're my life.