*~* 2 Best Friendz*~*

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Thao's Friend's Info

she is single!she is my twin!well mentally it is very freaky! i think we know each other too well...she isnt moving!!!well not yet at least! isnt that the coolest?! she is moving during summer maybe...i mean we would never know! well i am gonna have a twin for a while lol haha thats pretty funny
messengers: Yahoo, MSN, and AIM
she is single...for the 1st time in how many months? or years? lol okay well she is one of my best friends, we hang out a lot and have the weirdest conversation...like "bibby n' webber...lol now thats foonie" lol we were extremely hyper...she is really nice once you get to know her...she is actually pretty weird so i guess my weirdness rubbed off on her lol...ya never know...
messengers: Yahoo and AIM

he is currently  single...he is really nice once you get to know him...lol we both hated each other in 6th grade but that was when we didnt really know each other...until 7th grade when we actually got along...well he is really nice...and i really do trust him...so...he is my best friend...yadda yadda...lol jk
Messengers: Yahoo and AIM

currently not single! he is with sydney.  he is really sweet and nice. he cheers me up whenever i am not in a good mood, i dont know how but he just does. he understands me unlike some people i know...overall he is a really good friend!
Messengers: Yahoo, MSN

he is single...and he likes it i think...you never know guys...hehe...he is really mean sometimes...only when you are really bugging him i know i tried....hehe....he is actually really nice and he cares! i known him since we were really little...he is like a big brother to me because i can tell him anything and he would listen unlike some other guys...he means a lot to me because i have no idea what i would do if something happened to him! he really cares about me so dont hurt me in any way or you could have to face some consequences! lol jk
messenger: AIM or AOL and Yahoo(he doesnt know his yahoo account lol)

i havent really talked to her since forever, but she helped me the last time we talked she is really cool! she knows how to drive!!!! lol she is awesome! i really do look up to her and stuff...i known her since forever! she is sings sister so i can get a lot of information from her about him if i want to lol...
messengers: AIM or AOL and Yahoo(never ever on yahoo)

she is single! taylor is one of my good friends! she was on the east coast trip with me and it was awesome! lol remember taylor when we were really hyper and i was running with the toothbrush and all the toothpaste fell on the floor and i just stood there laughing and staring at it?! that was so funny!
messengers: Yahooooo!!!

she is currently single!!!here is your lucky chance!!!she is so weird...no wonder we are friends lol! she is in love with Orlando and Johnny Depp...i known her since 5th grade when we used to play sock-out or w/e but we didnt really talk until 7th grade or 6th...i dont know!!!
messengers: Yahoo and AIM

currently single!!
known her since 7th grade!!she cheers me up sometimes she is so funnie!! she is pretty cool!!she is really weird sometimes though...i mean out of no where she would say the wackiest things
messengers: Yahoo

he is single...thats all i have to say....i think...hes a really good friend and well...a good boyfriend....:( i really dont know what to say about him...umm...i dont know.......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................fill in the blank....
messengers: Yahoo

she is available right now!!you hafta b a perfect guy or a hot guy 2 get her attention...she is wierd...very strange...no wonder we are friends lol! haha...we were friends since 2nd grade! that is like 6 years also!!!!! omg i sound so old now! 2nd grade?! omg! oh well....i am only 14 lol
messengers: AOL

she is single known her since 4th grade!!and i didnt like her @ 1st, but then she had 2 move 2 our class and we became friends cuz she had 2 sit next 2 me!! we were never apart! i mean never...after school she is always @ my house until...8 or something we do our homework together and stuff...we were best friends as you can tell...until i moved...i remember the good o times*tears*
messengers: Yahoo, AIM, and MSN

he is single...i knew him...umm...b4 i went to Canada...well when i talked to him a lil while back i really didnt like him...i really hated him...i have no clue why, but i did...but now i dont hate him at all...he is really nice to me, he cheers me up a lot, he is the sweetest person i ever known!! I am glad that i got to know him because i prob. would still be hating him if i kept on ignoring him and only answered him if he said something...hehe...well overall hes a good friend!!!
Messengers: Yahoo, AIM

she is single!! heres ur lucky chance!!
known her since 5th grade!!she is reallie helpful!!she is in love with Frankie! she gets so mad at me when i write that on her stuff she is like "i am going to kill you" but you know what? i am still alive! lol
Messengers: Yahoo, MSN, and AIM

she is single!! here is ur chance!!known her since 5th grade!!...reallie helpful!!except she moved! so you might wanna email her if you want her help!
messengers: None!!i mean zippo, but she has an email address

she is not single..here is ur out of lucky chance!!she is krazy and wild!!DONT LET HER GET AHOLD OF UR SODA!!!! dont let her hit you either!...gawd it hurts like heck! we were in the mall and she punch me! it really hurts! known her since 7th grade!!friends since then!!
messengers: Yahoo, AIM, and MSN

Alyssa-(de la torre)
she is single!! known her since 7th grade...friends since then..Alyssa how is dis fair u r so smart!! finally she cant bother me about the keychain thing in new york! i got her one and that was good enough hehe...i shouldnt tell her that i am might be going to new york next year lol during summer...
 messenger: Yahoo, MSN, and AIM


she is NOT single!!So...Ha! beat dat! she is going out with Finky!!! but she is in love with Clay Aiken though so yeah!!SHE IS OBESSED!!!SERIOUSLY!!!and jus a lil note....dont let her sing!!!cuz then she cant stop! she is on the softball team!!! yep yep yep!!! just like me!!!omg her and jon are always together so if you are looking for jon look for alyssa! or if u r looking to alyssa then look for jon! known her since 6th grade!!she is reallie tall!! hehe
messenger: Yahoo

she is not single! yep yep its true!!!she is reallie strong also!!she has the biggest house of all time! good gawd i mean if i was there for like a week i would still get lost! it is HUGH!! known her since 7th grade!!friends since then
messengers: AOL

he is absolutely single(i dont think any girl would be able to like him he is a weirdo) I met Grant this year...lol i don't remember how...but he was in my homeroom....he is kinda annoying sometimes, but he is really funny. he was in three of my classes(counting P.E.) and whenever we run our lap and he comes near me i would just stop and he gets really mad it is so funny...well he is a really good friend and he is caring
Messenger: don't have any


i think he is single...i am not sure...he doesnt tell me stuff....well u know wat i mean....HE HAS DA SAME BDAY AS ME!!!evil....known him since 7th grade...uh...yeah....hes really nice...and yeah...
Messenger: Yahoo

he is NOT single...i am reallie positive..he is going out with Alyssa!!!!isnt that cool?! did u know i am never in his class? seriously!! i wasnt in his class in 6th, 7th, and 8th!!no classes well except band!! but der is only 1 honor band class!!!ugh....and in 6th grade he was kinda..kinda not cuz...hard 2 explain.... known him since 5th....didnt reallie talk 2 him until...6th or 7th so yeah....he is a really good flute player, did i mention that? no i didnt lol! he is a really good friend also! i used to tell him who i liked and he wouldnt tell anybody! isnt that kewl?! well it is!
Messengers: Yahoo

currently single...but i dont think it would b 4 long...hehe...hes pretty nice i guess...actually kinda evil...he calls me Theo instead of Thao...he thinks it bothers me so he tells everybody to call me that but i just ignore it lol...well i can bother him by calling him Danny lol he gets really mad hehe its really foonie....i really hope that he isnt in all of my classes like in 8th grade! well maybe some but it was weird having him in all of my classes!
Messenger: Yahoo (never on)

known him since 7th grade...thanx to carly!...he is really nice and single! can u believe it? yes he is Daniels twin! can u tell them apart? i can! i remember last year when i went out with him i couldnt tell them apart and i would always look @ der backpack to figure out which one is which...hehe...
Messenger: Yahoo(unlike Daniel he is always on)

currently single..so here is ur lucky chance!!known her since 7th grade...i dunno how i 4got!!hehe...well..she is pretty nice...she doesnt have much confidents in herself but i dont see why, i mean she is really pretty and she is really nice, but she keeps on saying that she is ugly and stuff...i have no idea why....she usually comes to me when she has problems and i usually tries to help and stuff....
Messenger: Yahoo, AIM, MSN

she is single i am really positive!..known her since 7th grade!!she is really nice and a good flute player!! yep yep its true!!she is really nice and kinda weird sometimes you would get used to her after you get to know her hehe...she is awesome! she is so cute! you gotta love her she has a positive attitude! she keeps on telling me that i can do a scale if i try harder and stuff..which is really cool!
Messenger: MSN, AIM, and Yahoo

he is very nice, fun to be around with. he is single i think...i really dont talk to him much. i known him since 7th but i really didnt know him much til this year. he plays tuba! so he is in honor band with me so yeah...he fell asleep during Pirates of the Caribbean at the party! lol
Messenger: Yahoo, MSN, and AIM

she is single!!!she is really nice once you get to know her! she is new this year...she moved here from texas! isnt that cool?! i want to go to texas some day! "howdy ya'll" lol that purt-ty funny dont ya think? lol i am being strange! but she is really cool! she has the coolest outfits ever! which isnt fair, but hey i can ask her for fashion tips from now on! hehe
Messengers: none

he is single! he is really nice, i have no idea why we hated each other in 5th, 6th, and 7th! oh yeah...if you are alone with him and stephenie then get out! go far far far away! they are disgusting!!!i mean i was trying to read! and with them....eh! the more i was with them the more i wanted to read! and i hate reading!!!! well i dont hate it but i dont like reading, but i really wanted to read when i was sitting with them during homeroom!
Messengers: none

Hannah Mae-
she is single...she is really cool! she is really nice and she is so good at acting!! she is hecka tight once you get to know her! she is a really good softball player i know we were on the 8th grade softball team! she so cute! she is really postive and she knows how to make peoples day better! she is awesome! she may be short but there is nothing stopping her! hehe she is always happy which is cool!
Messengers: Yahoo

she is single! i think....her and kyle just broke up for the summer... so they are on a break! she is really nice once you get to know her! she helped me through man tech! omg that class was horrible! i hate it! there was like no girls in that class! which seriously sucks!!! but we went through it and we dont have to see mr. gaal anymore! he spits all over us when he talks! which sucks!!!!eewww!!!!
messengers: Yahoo

he is umm...single? i have no idea! he is really nice i known him since uh...5th grade but i didnt really talk to him until 6th grade! he is really smart i guess....
messengers: Yahoo and MSN