*~* 2 Best Friendz*~*

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I never have any time to get any work done... I am taking a nap now, so leave a message.
I am always confused when people ask me did you sleep good? I always wonder if they want me to say no, I made a few mistakes.
The cow goes moo, The sheep goes baaa. The duck goes quack, and I go Zzzzzzzzz.
I'm spending some quality time with my pillow.
What's the question you can never answer yes to? Are you sleeping? Well if you're reading this right now then you probably want to ask me that. So here it is....Yes, I am sleeping.
I feel sorry for all of you who take forever to fall asleep. I can do it in a snap. I could even fall asleep right now on the keyb--gdasdfhasdfhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............
i got my cute lil teddy bear and i'm in my cute lil pj's and i'm laying down in my nice comfy bed, under a soft blanket...i'm dreaming of the good things...hey maybe its you...i'll wake up soon...so IM me and I'll tell you wnat I was dreaming about!! ;-) ~xoxoxo~
la la bi go to sleep little baby...(snore)(snore)(snore) hello u woke me um can u hear i was sleeping? good let me go back to sleep, in the mean while leave me some sweet dreams and maybe i'll dream about you...
Watching a really great movie! It's called Sleep! Oh man that movie is of the hook! You've all seen it at least once a day. Don't you love it? Its my favorite. Its about a really dark place and some dark and some more dark! But at the end you feel all entergetic. Do you know why? Can you tell me? huh huh huh? can ya? can ya?
What the hell r u thinking....it's too early to talk...it's sleepy time....GO TO SLEEP BEFORE YOUR PARENTS YELL AT YOU!!!!!
I am off in that wonderul land where i can have anything i want!! When i wake up i'll hae to face reality for the next 12 hours so!!Leave me alone!!
im sleeping right now. i think its a habit that i do at night time and in the morning. leave me a message if ya like, and i will talk 2 everybody n da morning. *yawn* G-nte or Good morning!