*~* 2 Best Friendz*~*

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Food makes life mmmmm mmmmm better
I'm away eating breakfast, lunch, or dinner. if your smart, you'll figure out which one it is.
I would talk to you but my mom told me never to talk wih my mouth full.
Did you ever realize that whenever people tell you they are on a diet they are eating or getting ready to eat? Be Right Back, I'm On a Diet....
My stomach was crying and grumbling and it was making me guilty so, I went to the fridge to cheer it up.
Statistics say that people who eat live longer than those who don't, so I am eating right now.
I would talk to you but my mommy told me never to talk with my mouth full... for almost (YOUR AGE) years I haven't listened to her... so I figured I should start today...
Safari to my kitchen! Give me the scythe, Ramon, I'm hacking through the bush... Even explorers get the munchies...
Oh no! The commercials are true! The Slim Jim Man really is alive and he is in my stomache flirting with my cupcake!
I'm on a seafood diet right now. When I see food, I eat it.
Give me liberty, or give me food!
Food, Food, Food, Food. Where would you be without food? Dead. Thats why I'm eating because I want to have a long life ahead of me.
Do you know why I'm not here? Hopefully not *cough* stalker *cough* I'm eating... Know why? I was famished. Know why?... Who knows?...
how to make pizza:
1) throw dough in air
2) wash dough out of hair
3) call pizza hut
if I don't eat soon I will flip! and if you know me well I can REALLY flip so anyways I am hungrey as you can see so pelase leave me alone so I can EEEAAATTT!