*~* 2 Best Friendz*~*

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To steal ideas from one person, would be plagiarism, to steal ideas from many is called research
I am working hard... or am I hardly working?
Homework: (Noun) a punishment given to students by evil teachers after the students have already put in 7 hours of hard labor. (See evil, torture, wrong, cruel, unjust, satan, crap)
me @ shool gettin me edumication cn u bellivee it
How come teachers can have substitutes? It's not fair that they can have substitutes and we can't have any to take our place in class.
Hey, I'm at school right now, probably sleeping. Wait - aren't you supposed to be there too?
How do you spell school? P-R-I-S-O-N.
Are you smart? Then come on over and I'll let you do my homework.
If teachers didn't assign homework, I would be here talking to you, but they do, so I'm not!
I'm at school learning my ABD's and 125's, so leave me a message and if I learn anything I'll get back to yah.
School... a way for parents to get revenge.
I'm off being a slave, I mean student,at prison, I mean, school.
Homework and I are engaged in an epic battle, and it seems that the homework is winning. [Sigh]. If only my dog would come and eat it...
Homework, homework, homework, homework, homework... Maybe I should stop saying and start doing...
I'm working overtime and not getting paid. It's called homework
Schools for geeks and nerds...........why do you think i'm there!
The more you study, the more you know. The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why study?
It is something that does this:

Make Sleepy

Awake during one time:

Any Guesses?