*~* 2 Best Friendz*~*

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The one who makes you cry isn't worth your tears. The one who is worth your tears would never make you cry
Don't ever frown because you never know who might be in love with your smile. :-)
I wrote your name in the sand, but the waves washed it away. I wrote your name on my hand but I washed it the next day. I wrote your name on a piece of paper but I acciedenatally threw it away... I wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay!
You know you're in love when all you can think about is that one special person and you can't stand to be away from them for more then one second. You miss then even though they're standing right next to you. You fall asleep thinking about them, and dream about them every night.
I saw you for the first time! I knew it was LoVe@1st SiGhT! Baby stay with this chick, don't leave me alone for even an hour, but baby I have to go right now... Be back later I love you...
One day you'll come to me and ask me what's more important: You or my life. I'll say my life and you'll walk away never knowing that you're my life.
Who do you turn to when the only person who can stop your crying is the one who made you cry?
Crushes only crush you,
Falling only hurts you,
Hearts will only break you,
If there is no love to save you.
Hey baby, if you ever need me you know I'll be there for you, except right now I'm out thinking about you.
If I could hold a star for everytime you made me smile, I would have the entire night sky in the palm of my hand.
I truley have no words,
To describe her true love.
Her love has no meaning,
Just pure like a dove.
It really has no purpose,
Except to blow them away.
Her love is all I need,
To love, cherish, and hold.
Her love is for all eternity,
So I am told.
Her Love is here to stay,
I know this is true,
Because she is there for me,
Even when I am down and blue.
If I had one life to live,
I'd spend it all with you.
Our time together is precious,
I know that much is true.
For when we hold hands,
My love for you doesn't go blue.

If I had one life to live,
I'd spend it all with you.
You are my life,
I ran up my door,
Shut the stairs,
Got in my prayer,
Said my pajamas,
Jumped in light,
And turned off the bed.
All cause you kissed me goodnight.
~*~Luv Means Never Having 2 Say Ur Sorry~*~
The Best Things In Life Aren't Always Free...Wishing You Were Here With Me