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Movie Quotes

Lizzy McGuire Movie~~~
Wow Gordo. Your like 1 giant brain. Except you can walk. And your head isnt in a jar
We could be like 2 pods in a pea
Have you even started the summer reading list?"
"I finished it"
"You read 11 books?"
"No, i meant i finished the list
Evil and Smart
Embrace it, Fear it
Prince William? Tell him 2 hold
Your Sting The italian dude is major approach.
I Actually feel my brain turning 2 goo
Finding Nemo~~~
I wish I can speak Whale
My Bubbles~~ Finding Nemo
hey mr. grumpyfins
Adventures of Huck Finn~~~
Just because your taught somethins right, and everyone believes its right, dont make it right
aww, hells bells Jim. I almost puked up my livers!
aww poor boy. Falls of a steamboat and you go scare him to death!
I thought it would be best to leave out the truth
hey, alright, enough with the slop
I was a swhali warrior
"Your as beautiful as Peter said you was..."...."you sure are"
Girl: have you ever seen the king?
Huck: Sure have. James the 3rd
Girl: William the 4th
Huck: Oh! You meant the king of England. Why didnt you bloody say so.
Style! To preach before a king, you gotta have lots of style goin on
He was telling a few stretches and i wasnt swallowing it...thats all
dead? Paps dead?
That was a lie. THAT WAS A LIE! I thought we were friends.
Just playing with the damn dog next door
The coffin!! Wheres the coffin?
Cuz there aint no easier book to read then your face
Doctor: Personally I think he's just a damn good liar.
Huck: Why thank you for the compliment sir
Jim: why'd you come to get me?
Huck: cuz your my friend jim.
I'll be okay. you got to go jim. they'll catch you if you stay. Jim!
It was a great adventure Jim. And id do it all over again
No! you can't kill him. jim! you can't take him. he's all i got
Now where did huckleberry go to?
And she got to talking about this, and about that, and blah-di, blah-di, blah until I wanted to wring her scrawny little neck! But by and by, she got to talkin' about the murder.
They were real nice, once they decided not to kill me.
What A Girl Wants~~~
I Love u a million red M & M's
Dont let him in!! I'm not even cute yet!
 I really wish you would put your lip over your head and swallow it.
Excuse me if i dont give a flying fart in space.
Pirates of the Caribbean~~~
Thank ye Jack.
       Yer welcome
Not you. We named the monkey Jack
That is the worst pirate i have ever seen. *5 minutes later* That must be the best pirate i have ever seen.
A wedding!? I love weddings, drinks all around!
You like pain? Try wearing a corset
You best start believing in ghost stories.....YOUR IN ONE
I kept her safe like i promised, she is all set to marry norrington like she promised, and you are going to die for her just like you promised. So we are all men of our words really, except for Elizabeth, who is in fact, a woman.
and he ran into my knife......10 times
he use to show me off, ugly guys like to do that
"I only hope the fall didn't hurt the baby.................shit"
Yesterday I thought i saw a hamburger doing yoga~~ Even Stevens
But I don't want to go on the cart..."
"Oh, don't be such a baby!"
"But I'm feeling much better..."
"No you're not... in a moment you'll be stone dead!"
-- Monty Python, "The Holy Grail"

Lord Of The Rings (All 3 Movies and Books)

Full House

Boy Meets World